*** Hinderwell Weather Monitor ***

     *** V3.1 Copyright 2018 ***    

19:07 31 January 2025



Current Temperature = 3.5°C
Pressure = 1027 mb
Trend = Rising
Wind Speed = 3 mph
Gusting at = 6 mph
Wind Direction = SSE
Humidity = 93.0%
Temperature at SAMOS = 3.5°C
Visibility is 10000 Meters

Mostly cloudy, brighter spells on Saturday.

This Evening and Tonight:
Widespread low cloud and hill fog may slowly give way to some clear spells through the early hours, where there is a risk of fog and frost patches developing. Light winds. Minimum Temperature 0C.

Early fog and low cloud slowly clearing to give some hazy bright or sunny spells. However, cloud thickening and wind strengthening later, as rain arrives from the west overnight. Maximum Temperature 7C.

Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Cloudy and breezy Sunday with early rain and wind slowly easing. Monday mostly cloudy with patchy drizzle and becoming windy. Tuesday likely wet and windy. Temperatures near average.